The key to acing tests, is broken up into 5 sections.

Listen to the teacher

is to listen to the frickin' teacher. No matter how boring he/she is, if you listen to her class instead of chewing on some gum, scratching your ass, or sticking your finger up your nose, you would actually know what you're doing.


Whatever you do, study. The things the teacher teaches you is not to torture the living hell out of you, but to tell you "Hey look! This thing is going to be on my test that I'm going to have 2 weeks from now!" Now, you can't study at the last second until 3 AM (yeah you RJ) or go "I think I can handle this. I'll just study in class!" So yeah, study. EVEN BEFORE THE TEACHER SAYS YOU HAVE A QUIZ/TEST. I know I'm an asshole. But do you wannna ace tests? Do you not want to get your ass slapped by your mom? Then do what your told.


That's right. Sleep. Sleeping is essential to acing tests. If you sleep, your brain would relax after all the thinking you did in studying. Also, your mind would start organizing what you learned in your sleep. So the longer you sleep, the less your brain is going to go nuts. So remember, sleep. 

Read the directions

It's test day! Woopee! But your not done with all the hard work until you finish your test. The first thing you do on a test is to look at the directions and read it at least 3 times. Then you wouldn't go "Gaaa! Why did I put that down! It was asking for the opposite!!!!!!" after you get your failed test back. So remember. READ THE DIRECTIONS.

Check your work

You've finished the test. Before you go, "Yeah! I'm over with this horrible test!" you have to do one more thing. Check your work. It doesn't mean do the whole freaking test again, but just to see if your answer makes sense. Is that really what you wanted to put down? Is that your final answer? It all comes to here.

When your done, 1 week later, your gonna come home, stick your test/quiz on your mom's face and go "HA! I can ACTUALLY get an A!" 

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